Keep Your Iron Level High with Joanna's Absolutely Fabulous Liver Casserole

  • 1 lb liver - any type but I prefer lamb
  • 1 large Spanish [mild] onion sliced
  • 3-4 cloves garlic crushed
  • Plastic bag containing flour and lots of black pepper
  • Olive oil or whatever
  • Water and gravy powder or a very good beef stock
  • Worcester Sauce to taste
  • Fairly deep frying pan or wok

Heat stock or water and gravy powder mixture.

Saute the onion in oil until very lightly golden, add garlic and do for another minute.

Meanwhile cut up liver and throw in plastic bag. Shake until coated in flour and pepper.

Add liver to pan and turn until lightly browned on all sides - just a couple of minutes

Pour the stock or water over the liver and onions and heat until sauce is thickened - 2 minutes?

Add Worcester sauce.

This will provide you with liver which remains fairly rare in the middle.

You can add bacon with the onions but I don't like soggy bacon.

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